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Terms and Conditions of LALAL.AI’s Referral Program

Primary Website: www.lalal.ai

LALAL.AI (or “We”) offers brand supporters (“Referrer” or “You”) the opportunity to participate in its referral program (the “Program”). We reserve the right to amend or terminate the Program at any time, for any reason. The Program is administered by LALAL.AI. Our primary website is located at the address listed above.

Referrers are bound by these Terms and Conditions by participating in the Program. By participating in the Program, Referrers agree to use the Program in the manner specified in these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions in their entirety, you are not authorized to register as a Referrer or to participate in the Program in any other manner. Referrers may not participate in the Program where doing so would be prohibited by any applicable law or regulations.

We reserve the right to modify or amend at any time these Terms and Conditions and/or the methods through which rewards are earned. We reserve the right to disqualify any Referrers from participation in the Program at any time at our sole discretion, including if he/she does not comply with any of these Terms and Conditions or otherwise fails to comply with any applicable laws (including, without limitation, through any failure to include any disclosures as required by LALAL.AI).


No part of the Program is directed to persons under the age of 18. If you are under 18 years of age, you must not use, access or participate in the Program at any time and in any manner.


A. Enrollment

1. To participate in the Program, you must have a registered LALAL.AI account; no application submission is required. In your user profile, find a referral link section. Copy your unique referral link and share it with anyone who might be a good fit for LALAL.AI.

2. Individuals who receive a referral via a Referrer are "Friends" (or, singly, a “Friend”). An "Eligible" Referrer who is fully compliant with these Terms and Conditions may receive "Reward(s)" for every “Referral” (all terms in quotes to be understood as defined below).

B. Eligible Referrer

To be "Eligible," a Referrer must:

  1. Be at least 18 years old.
  2. Be a registered LALAL.AI user.

C. Making a Referral

Once a user makes a Referral (invites a Friend), he or she is considered to be a Referrer. No previous purchase is required (purchasers and non-purchasers alike are eligible). The Friend must not have a previously registered account or placed purchase with LALAL.AI under any email address or alias.

Referrers must only refer real individuals who meet the requirements of these Terms and Conditions. Referrers cannot refer themselves. For example, a Referrer may not create multiple or fake accounts with LALAL.AI or participate in the Program using multiple or fake email addresses or identities.

D. Earning Rewards

Referrer shall receive a “Reward” in the form of minute credits added to his or her account.

Friend shall receive a Reward in the form of minute credits after he or she register an account with LALAL.AI.

We reserve the right to change the amount of credits that a Reward contains at any time at our discretion.

E. Transfer and Value of Credit and Rewards

Rewards have no monetary value and may not be redeemed for cash. Rewards are not transferable and may not be auctioned, traded, bartered or sold. Upon termination of the Program or any portion thereof for any reason, any remaining Rewards are forfeited.


If LALAL.AI determines you have abused the Program, your Rewards will be revoked, and you will be ineligible to participate in any future LALAL.AI programs.

The Program abuse includes any of the following but is not limited to these activities:

  1. Creating fake accounts;
  2. Spamming inboxes with invitations;
  3. Misrepresenting your relationship with LALAL.AI.

Last update: 10.08.2022

Copyright © OmniSale GMBH.

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